Biology Reference
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Harrington, G. J., E. R. Clechenko, and D. C. Kelly. 2005. Palynology and organic-carbon iso-
tope ratios across a terrestrial Palaeocene/Eocene boundary section in the Williston Basin,
North Dakota, USA. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl. Palaeoecol. 226:214-32.
Heimhofer, U., P. A. Hochuli, S. Burla, and H. Weissert. 2007. New records of Early Creta-
ceous angiosperm pollen from Portuguese coastal deposits: Implications for the timing of
the early angiosperm radiation. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 144:39-76.
Iglesias, A. P., et al. (six coauthors). 2007. A Paleocene lowland macrofl ora from Patagonia
reveals signifi cantly greater richness than North American analogs. Geology 35:947-50.
Jacques, F. M. B. 2009. Fossil history of the Menispermaceae (Ranunculales). Ann. Paléontol.
Jaramillo, C., et al. (six coauthors). 2007. The palynology of the Cerrejón Formation (upper
Paleocene) of northern Colombia. Palynology 31:153-89.
Karafi t, S. J., and R. A. Stockey. 2008. Paralygodium meckertii sp. nov. (Schizaeaceae) from
the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Rev.
Palaeobot. Palynol . 149:163-73.
Keller, G., S. Abramovich, Z. Berner, and T. Adatte. 2009. Biotic effects of the Chicxulub
impact, K-T catastrophe and sea level change in Texas. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl. Palaeoecol .
271:52-68. [Contends that “ the Chicxulub impact and the K-T mass extinction are two
separate and unrelated events, and that the biotic effects of this impact have been vastly
Kraus, M. J., and S. Riggins. 2007. Transient drying during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal
Maximum (PETM): Analysis of paleosols in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Palaeogeogr.
Palaeocl. Palaeoecol. 245:444-61.
Labandeira, C. C., K. R. Johnson, and P. Wilf. 2002. Impact of the terminal Cretaceous event
on plant-insect associations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci . U.S.A. 99:2061-66.
Little, S. A., R. A. Stockey, and G. W. Rothwell. 2006. Solenostelopteris skogiae sp. nov. from
the Lower Cretaceous of Vancouver Island. J. Plant Res. 119:525-32.
Lomax, B. H., D. J. Beerling, G. R. Upchurch Jr., and B. L. Otto-Bliesner. 2000. Terrestrial
ecosystem responses to global environmental change across the Cretaceous-Tertiary
boundary. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27:2149-52.
Manchester, S. R. 2001. Leaves and fruits of Aesculus (Sapindales) from the Paleocene of
North America. Int. J. Plant Sci . 162:985-98. [Describes leaves of A. hickeyi sp. nov. from
the Paleocene Fort Union Formation of North Dakota and Wyoming.]
———. 2002. Leaves and fruits of Davidia (Cornales) from the Paleocene of North America.
Syst. Bot . 27:368-82.
Manchester, S. R., and L. J. Hickey. 2007. Reproductive and vegetative organs of Browniea gen.
n. (Nyssaceae) from the Paleocene of North America. Int. J. Plant Sci. 168:229-49.
Manchester, S. R., Q.-Y. Xiang, T. M. Kodrul, and M. A. Akhmetiev. 2009. Leaves of Cornus
(Cornaceae) from the Paleocene of North America and Asia confi rmed by trichome
characters. Int. J. Plant Sci . 170:132-42. [Recognizes C. Swingii sp. nov. from the Paleocene
of Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota, and C. krassilovii sp. nov. from the Paleocene
Tsagayan fl ora of Russia.]
McClain, A. M., and S. R. Manchester. 2001. Dipteronia (Sapindaceae) from the Tertiary of
North America and implications for the phytogeographic history of the Aceroideae. Am. J.
Bot . 88:1316-25.
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