Biology Reference
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otoliths from the estuarine hardhead catfi sh ( Ariopsis felis ) and their potential to record
low-latitude climate change. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl. Palaeoecol. 228:179-91.
Szostak, J. W. 2009. Systems chemistry on early Earth. Nature 459:239-42.
Taylor, R. E. 1987. Radiocarbon dating: An archaeological perspective . Academic Press, New York.
Turetsky, M. R., S. W. Manning, and R. K. Wieder. 2004. Dating recent peat deposits. Wet -
lands 24:324-56.
Vollmer, T., et al. (fi ve coauthors). 2008. Orbital control on Upper Triassic playa cycles of
the Steinmergel-Keuper (Norian): A new concept for ancient playa cycles. Palaeogeogr.
Palaeocl. Palaeoecol. 267:1-16.
Whitfi eld, J. 2009. Origin of life: Nascence man. Nature 459:316-19.
Winchester, S. 2001. The map that changed the world: William Smith and the birth of modern geol-
ogy . HarperCollins, New York.
Additional Readings and Updates
Alexander, D. R. 2008. Religion and science: A guide for the “perplexed.” Nature 455:590.
Begley, S. 2007. The evolution revolution: The new science of the brain and DNA is rewriting
the story of human origins. Newsweek , 19 March 2007.
Creation and classrooms. 2008. Editorial. Nature 455:431-32. [“Better to confront supersti-
tion with science than to disregard the superstitious.”]
Dalton, R. 2006a. Ethiopian plan for Lucy tour splits museums. Nature 444:8.
———. 2006b. Telling the time. Nature 444:134-35.
———. 2008a. Fears for oldest human footprints. Nature 451:118. [“Threats to the world's old-
est hominid footprints in Tanzania are again stirring debate over how to best protect the
3.7-million-year-old tracks.”]
———. 2008b. Palaeontology: The new mother lode. Nature 455:153-55. [Palaeontologists in
Argentina are exploring a trove of fossils that is rewriting evolutionary history.]
Dixon, T. H., et al. (nine coauthors). 2006. Subsidence and fl ooding in New Orleans. Nature
Friedman, T. L. 2007. In the age of Noah. New York Times , Op-Ed, 23 December.
Gradstein, F. M., et al. (six coauthors). 1995. A Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous time scale.
In Geochronology, time-scales and global stratigraphic correlation , ed. W. A. Berggren, D. V.
Kent, M.-P. Aubry, and J. Hardenbol, SEPM Special Publication 54, 95-126. Society for
Sedimentary Geology, Tulsa.
Gubbins, D. 2008. Earth Science: Geomagnetic reversals. Nature 452:165-67.
Harris, S. 2007. Correspondence: Scientists should unite against threat from religion. Nature
Huber, M. 2009. Snakes tell a torrid tale. Nature 457:669-71.
Latest satellite launches to monitor sea level. 2008. Nature 453:1156.
Lessios, H. A. 2007. Correspondence: Admission that intelligent design is a religious view.
Nature 448:22.
Lieberman, D. E. 2007. Homing in on early Homo . Nature 449:291-92. [Newly described
fossils from Georgia in Eurasia and from Kenya shed more light on the earliest members
of the genus Homo : “This species ( Homo erectus ) fi rst appeared in Africa about 1.9 million
years ago.”]
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