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The varlet algorithm is probably the most widely used method. It uses the
positions and accelerations at time t , and the positions from the previous
step (t-δ) to calculate the new positions at (t+δt) , so:
The velocities at time t and can be, respectively estimated.
The advantages of this method are time-reversible and good energy
conservation properties, where disadvantage is low memory storage be-
cause the velocities are not included in the time integration. However, re-
moving the velocity from the integration introduces numerical inaccura-
cies method, namely the velocity Verlet and Verlet leap-frog algorithms as
mentioned before, which clearly involve the velocity in the time evolution
of the atomic coordinates.
Monte Carlo technique ( Metropolis method) use random number from
a given probability distribution to generate a sample population of the sys-
tem from which one can calculate the properties of interest. a MC simula-
tion usually consists of three typical steps:
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