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revision causes the change of life gene which forms the diversity to improve the
ability to adapt the environment. This mutation policy becomes a method to
improve its own ability in artificial intelligence system. Miller and Drexler
discussed a series of evolution model, for example the ecosystem, commerce
market and pointed the difference with the ecosystem. They think a direct
computing market is the most ideal system model.
Because of the incomplete knowledge and late information is the inner
characteristic of computing ecosystem. The dynamic activities research under
these constraints is important. Huberman and Hogg proposed and analyzed the
process of dynamic games(Huberman et al,1987). They pointed that if there are
many choices when the processes to finish the tasks, dynamic graduate process
may become non-linear fluctuation and chaos. This indicates the stable policy for
computing biologic system is not existent. They also discussed possible common
rules and the importance of cooperation and compared with the biologic
ecosystem and human organization. Similar to dynamic theory, Rosenschein and
Geneserth proposed static policy theory to solve the conflicts in nodes with
different goals.
Famous ecosystem models include biologic ecosystem model, species
evolution model, economic model, sciences group's society model. Large
ecosystem's intelligence surpasses any single intelligence.
Biologic ecosystem model
It is the most famous ecosystem which has typical evolution characteristic and
hierarchical traits. This trait reflects in food chain. For complex biologic
ecosystem, all the species consist of closely network- food chain. This system's
main roles are catchers and preys. The life is dependant on life. The large
ecosystem consists of small ecosystem.
2. Species evolution model
Species evolution is depending on gene. From the plant heredity to model
genetics, researchers indicate the combination of gene's importance in the
species evolution. The gene pool consists of a group of gene from a species. The
biologic organization is the carrier of gene. If environment change, the selection
mechanism will change. This change inevitably causes the change of gene pool.
The change of specific species is named gene stream. A species is always
experience isolation, gene flow and change circle. At the beginning, a
geographically isolated group develops lonely and the gene is quickly flow in the
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