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If θ 1 →Ψ, θ 2 →Ψ, ···, θ n →Ψ are all basic decision rule, θ 1 ∨θ 2 ∨···∨θ n →Ψ is
called as the composition of θ 1 →Ψ, θ 2 →Ψ,···, θ n →Ψ or compositional decision
rule for short.
To explore the value of PQ rule (consistent or inconsistent), we can use
following proposition.
Proposition 11.5
If and only if all {P Q}-basic formulas appear in {P Q}-
formal expressions of PQ rule's premise and consequence, the PQ-rule is true
(consistent) in S, otherwise false (inconsistent).
Any finite decision rule set in decision logic language is called as a decision
algorithm, and any finite decision rule is called as a basic decision algorithm.
If the decision rules in a basic decision algorithm are all
-decision rules,
the algorithm is called as
-decision algorithm or
-algorithm for short
(denoted as (
)). If and only if all decision rules in S are consistent,
algorithm in
is consistent, otherwise inconsistent.
If for each
x ∈U, there exists a
-rule θ→Ψ in an algorithm that
|=θ∧Ψ, the
-algorithm is complete, otherwise incomplete.
Given a knowledge representation system, the non-empty subset of attribute
can determine a
-decision algorithm uniquely. That is to say,
-decision table can be viewed as equivalent.
11.3.7 Inconsistent and Indiscernibility of Decision Rule
To test the consistency of a decision algorithm, we must consider the values of
all its decision rules. We can use proposition 11.5 to test it, while the following
proposition gives a simpler method.
For any PQ-decision rule θ 1 → ϕ 1 in a PQ-decision
Proposition 11.6
algorithm, if and only if θ = θ 1 implicates ϕ = ϕ 1 , decision rule θ → ϕ in the
PQ decision algorithm is consistent in S.
Note that, to test the values of decision rule θ→Ψ, we must prove that the
premise of decision rule (formula θ) can distinguish the decision class Ψ with
other classes. That means the concept true can be replaced by the concept —
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