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sim1 = (
w i * distance(pos(goal) - pos(source))) /
w i
·Similarity in terms of temperature
sim2 = (
w i * difference(temp(goal) - temp(source))) /
w i
·Similarity in terms of temperature gradient
sim3 = (
w i * difference(delta(goal) - delta(source))) /
w i
w i is the weight. The closer temperature test spot to the central
fishing ground (
d i ), the
w i
is greater. Suppose
max is the diameter of the
marine area,
w i =1 when
d i =0, and
d i =
max , w i is a preset value
0 (can be
modified by users), otherwise
5.11.3 Indexing and Retrieval
Case reuse is the process of choosing the best matching case from stored ones
and adapting its solutions to solve the new problem. The process can be
divided into analogy mapping and analogy conversion. A precondition of the
adaptation of base case to problem solving in the target case is a one-to-one
mapping between the features of the target and base cases, and choice of
relations and structures can used in the target case. So, in the analogy
mapping, two primary problems are: the identification and mapping of
features, and choice of mapping relations and structures.
Case indexing involves assigning indices to cases to facilitate their
retrieval. The main indexing methods include near neighbor, induction,
knowledge guide, or their combinations. The main difficulty in our system
lies in the fact that the information of sea state and fishing condition is related
to space and time. For clarity, we do the following simplification. Suppose
C t 1
is the sea state at time
1 , which is a precondition (condition attribute) of
fishing grounds; and
G t 1 is the fishing ground at
1 , including output, size, and
decision attributes. Case at
I t 1 = C t 1
,G t 1 is a vector with high dimension.
I t1-tn ={
I t1 I t2 …,I tn }={(
C t1 ,G t 1 ) (
C t2 ,G t 2 ) …, (
C tn ,G tn )} is a case sequence,
t i +1 is the next week of
t i , and
G t =
G ti +1 -
G ti is the change of the fishing
ground in a week.
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