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5.7.1 Semantic similarity
If one case is analogical to another, then there must be some similarity among
their semantics. One foundation in CBR is how to assess the similarity
between cases in order to retrieve appropriate base cases. The analogies
between two cases can be identified into the following three types: positive
analogy, negative analogy, and uncertain analogy. The positive analogy is the
analogy determined by some similar aspects among cases, the negative
analogy is the one that determined by the dissimilar aspects, and the uncertain
analogy is the analogy other than the above types. One of the conditions for
two analogical cases is: the essential property and causality of the model is
not a part of negative analogy. The uncertain analogy makes the analogy have
a certain predicative aspects, which are not necessarily true. To solve a
problem analogically, there must be some similarity between the essential
features of the base case and the target case, which is the foundation for the
Still some scholars define two types of similarity: surface similarity and
structural similarity. The surface similarity is defined as the similar aspects
that are not the essential ones in the process of adapting past experiences to
the new case. On the contrary, the ones that affect the adaptationion process
are structural similarities. A less strict definition for structural similarly is the
semantic overlap of the relations. The two types of similarities play different
roles in the analogy process. The surface one helps in the tentative analogy
and individual identifications; while the structural one not only facilitates the
analogical search, but also plays a very great role in the construction of
analogical mapping.
5.7.2 Structural similarity
If there is a certain mapping between two structures, and this kind of
corresponding relation can reserve structural consistency, then the structures
are isomorphic. Structural consistency requires that the one-one mapping
between two isomorphic structures guarantees the involved individuals and
the component mappings are one-one relations too, and such mappings
respect the previous corresponding relations among the individuals.
Isomorphism carries great effects on the validity of analogical reasoning.
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