Information Technology Reference
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(2) The object parameter is called Quantity, which is composed of its amount and
A m expresses the amount value of the quantity, A s expresses the symbol of
the quantity.
D m expresses the derivative value of the quantity, D s expresses the symbol
of the quantity derivative.
(MQ t ) expresses the value of quantity Q at the moment t.
HAS-Quantity is a predicate, which means some object has some
(3) All the possible values of a quantity compose the quantity space, and there
are semi-order relations among the elements of the quantity space.
If Q 1 = f(Q 2 ) increases monotonically, Q 1 and Q 2 are qualitatively in direct
proportion, which is denoted by Q 1 Q + Q 2 . If Q 1 = f(Q 2 ) decreases
monotonically, Q 1 and Q 2 are qualitatively in inversely proportion, which is
denoted by Q 1 Q - Q 2 .
2. Process
A physical process are composed of a set of individuals, a set of preconditions, a
set of quantity conditions, a set of parameter relations and a set of influences. A
specific instance of a process is called process instance, which is denoted by PI.
Influence refers to those which can cause the parameter variation. Influence
can be classified into direct influence and indirect influence. If a process
influences quantity Q at certain moment, say Q is influenced directly. If count n
influences Q directly and influence is positive, or negative, or zero, we denote it
with 1(Q, n), or 1(Q, n), or 1±(Q, n). When quantity Q is the function of
other quantity, say Q is influenced indirectly, such as qualitative proportional
Q. Process table refers to all the possible processes in one field.
In the approach of process reasoning, a physical course can be described with
some processes. Following explains the working principle of this approach,
taking process of heat flow as example:
Process heat-flow. // process of heat flow
Individuals: //a set of individuals
src an object, Has-Quantity(src, heat) //src is heat source
dst an object, Has-Quantity(dst, heat) // dst is the object being heated
path a heat-path,
//path is heat flow path
Heat-connection(path, src, dst)
//connect src with dst
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