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is actual data dependence. Therefore, perhaps some two variables are connected
in constraint graph, but do not influence each other under current context. The
space cost of Influence-based backjumping has less space cost than graph-based
backjumping. Furthermore, influence-based backjumping produces less time cost
as well.
In IBMD, each instantiated variable stores a set of influenced variables. Given
a IBMD's context(all assignments of instantiated variables), a variable
v i is
influenced by
v j if and only if the instantiations of
v j reduces current domain of
v i
to some extent.
IBMD includes forward instantiation and backward backtracking. In forward
instantiation, select the variable whose current domain is minimal to assign at
first. After the variable
v i assigned, domain filtering will be carried on. For all
unassigned variable
v j , delete those values in its domain
D j , which are
contradicting with assignment of
v i . If
D j becomes null, means that the
assignment of
contradicts with previous variable assignment, therefore
backtracking begins. Backtracking firstly recover values which have been deleted
because of variable
v i
v i instantiation. If all values of
v i have been tried, then
backtracking continues going to previous variable
v h . If
v h has no influence on
v j
or other variables whose all values have been tried, or
v h has been already tried
all values, then make
v h as previous instantiation variable and repeat backtracking.
Suppose that the procedure stops at variable
v g and the latest variable that
v g is
v f , then delete the instantiation value of
v g from
D g
and record
v g
and its instantiation value into influence set of
v g with new
value again, thus back to forward instantiation backtracking. The algorithm
written in C is as follows.
v f . And then assign
Algorithm 3.7 Influence-based Backjumpiing Algorithm(Liao, 1994)
int var, failvar;
while (uninstantiated ! =nil ) {
var =mostConstrained() ;
/*Choose a variable to instantiate */
a[var] =domain[var][ 0]; /* Assign a value. */
while ((failvar =propagate(var) )! =SUCCESS) {
/*While inconsistent */
if ((var =backjump(failvar) ==nil) return(0) ;
/*If back up to top, exit */
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