Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Legal Matters
The most likely reason for a brush with the law is if you have to report a theft. If you do have something stolen and you
want to claim it on insurance, you must make a statement to the police; insurance companies won't pay up without proof
of a crime.
The Italian police is divided into three main bodies: the black-clad carabinieri; the polizia , who wear navy blue jack-
ets; and the guardia di finanza , who fight tax evasion and drug smuggling. If you run into trouble in Italy, you're likely
to end up dealing with either the polizia or the carabinieri . If, however, you land a parking ticket, you'll need to speak
to the vigili urbani (traffic wardens).
The legal blood-alcohol limit is 0.05% and random breath tests do occur. Penalties for driving under the influence of
alcohol can be severe.
In general, your embassy should be able to provide a list of local lawyers, interpreters and translators.
» Weights & measures Sicily uses the metric system for weights and measures.
» Electricity Plugs have two or three round pins, so bring an adapter. The current is 220V, 50Hz.
» Newspapers Sicily's major regional newspapers are Palermo's Il Giornale di Sicilia, Catania's La Sicilia and
Messina's La Gazzetta del Sud . Rome-based La Repubblica also has a section dedicated to Sicilian news.
English-language newspapers are available, usually one or two days late, in the big cities and major resorts.
» Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all public spaces, as per EU law.
City Maps
Our city maps, combined with tourist-office maps, are generally adequate for getting around. More-detailed maps are
also available in city bookshops. Litografia Artistica Cartografica (LAC; ) produces detailed maps
(costing €7) of a number of Sicilian cities, including Agrigento, Catania, Palermo, Syracuse and Trapani. Michelin
( ) and Touring Club Italiano (TCI; ) also produce decent city maps.
Driving Maps
The best road map is the TCI's Sicilia (1:200,000), available at bookshops, airports and motorway cafes in Sicily. The
AA's Road Atlas Italy (1:250,000), available in the UK, includes Sicily. In Italy, the Istituto Geografico de Agostini
( ) publishes the Carta Stradale Sicilia (1:200,000; €7.30). Michelin also has a reliable map, Sicilia , at
a scale of 1:200,000.
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