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Family is the bedrock of Sicilian life, and loyalty to family and friends is one of the most
important qualities you can possess. As Luigi Barzini (1908-84), author of The Italians,
noted, 'A happy private life helps tolerate an appalling public life.' This chasm between the
private arena and public forum is a noticeable aspect of Sicilian life, and has evolved over
years of intrusive foreign domination.
Maintaining a bella figura (beautiful image) is very important to the average Sicilian,
and striving to appear better off than you really are (known as spagnolismo ) is a regional
pastime. Though not confined to Sicily, spagnolismo on the island has its roots in the ex-
cesses of the Spanish-ruled 18th century, when the race for status was so competitive that
the king considered outlawing extravagance. In this climate, how you and your family ap-
peared to the outside world was (and still is) a matter of honour, respectability and pride. In
a social context, keeping up appearances extends to dressing well, behaving modestly, per-
forming religious and social duties and fulfilling all essential family obligations; in the con-
text of the extended family, where gossip is rife, a good image protects one's privacy.
In this heavily patriarchal society, 'manliness' is a man's prime concern. The main role
of the 'head of the family' is to take care of his family, oil the wheels of personal influence
and facilitate the upward mobility of family members. Women, on the other hand, are tradi-
tionally the repository of the family's honour, and even though unmarried couples com-
monly live together nowadays, there are still young couples who undertake lengthy engage-
ments for the appearance of respectability.
Traditionally, personal wealth is closely and jealously guarded. Family money can sup-
port many individuals, while emigrant remittances have vastly improved the lot of many
Cu sparti avi a megghiu parti. The one who divides things up gets the better share.
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