Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Chiesa di Santa Maria
delle Grazie
The most impressive of San Marco d' Alunzio's churches is the Chiesa di Santa Maria
delle Grazie, where there's a Domenico Gagini statue of the Madonna con bambino e San
Giovanni (Madonna with Child and St John) from 1481.
Museo della Cultura e
delle Arti Figurative Bizantine
e Normanne
(Museum of Byzantine & Norman Culture & Figurative Art; 0941 79 77 19; Badia Nica, Via Ferraloro; admission
€1.55; 9am-1pm & 3-7pm) Next to the 16th-century Chiesa di San Teodoro, in a restored
16th-century Benedictine monastery, is a lovely space showing fresco fragments from the
town's churches and a somewhat motley collection of columns, capitals and other bits and
pieces from the Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Norman periods, most of them excavated
in the surrounding area.
Tourist Information Office ( 0941 79 73 39; ; Via Aluntia; 9am-1pm year-round,
plus 3-7pm Oct-Apr, 3.30-7.30pm May & Sep, 4-8pm Jun-Aug) Opposite the Chiesa Madre.
Located on the western border of Nebrodi Regional Park, and accessed via the SS117
from Santo Stefano di Camastra, is the charming hilltop time capsule of Mistretta. The
streets here have hardly changed over the past 300 years, and most of the locals look as if
they've been around for almost as long. Little disturbs the mountain quietude - the only
action occurs at the Gran Bar, an old-fashioned bar/pasticceria housed in a building dating
from 1660. Its homemade biscuits are delicious; be sure to sample a few.
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