Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Security Threats (USEPA, 2001), the USEPA made several recommendations to
increase security and reduce threats from terrorism. The recommendations
1. Guard against unplanned physical intrusion (water/wastewater).
a. Lock all doors and set alarms at your office, pumping stations,
treatment plants, and vaults, and make it a rule that doors are
locked and alarms are set.
b. Limit access to facilities and control access to pumping stations
and chemical and fuel storage areas, giving close scrutiny to visi-
tors and contractors.
Post guards at treatment plants, and post “Employee Only” signs
in restricted areas.
Control access to storm sewers.
e. Secure hatches, metering vaults, manholes, and other access
points to the sanitary collection system.
Increase lighting in parking lots, treatment bays, and other areas
with limited staffing.
g. Control access to computer networks and control systems, and
change the passwords frequently.
Do not leave keys in equipment or vehicles at any time.
2. Make security a priority for employees.
Conduct background security checks on employees at hiring and
periodically thereafter.
Develop a security program with written plans and train employ-
ees frequently.
c. Be sure that all employees are aware of communications proto-
cols with relevant law enforcement, public health, environmen-
tal protection, and emergency response organizations.
Be sure that employees are fully aware of the importance of vigi-
lance and the seriousness of breaches in security; make note of
unaccompanied strangers on the site, and immediately notify
designated security officers or local law enforcement agencies.
e. Consider varying the timing of operational procedures, if pos-
sible, so someone watching will realize that the pattern changes.
Upon the dismissal of an employee, change passcodes and make
sure keys and access cards are returned.
g. Provide customer service staff with training and checklists of
how to handle a threat if it is called in.
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