Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Medical Services
All foreigners have the same right as Spaniards to emergency medical treatment in public
hospitals. EU citizens are entitled to the full range of health-care services in public hospit-
als, but must present a European Health Insurance Card (enquire at your national health
service) and may have to pay upfront.
Non-EU citizens have to pay for anything other than emergency treatment. Most travel-
insurance policies include medical cover.
For minor health problems you can try any farmàcia (pharmacy) , where pharmaceutic-
als tend to be sold more freely without prescription than in places such as the USA, Aus-
tralia or the UK.
Hospitals include the following:
Hospital Clínic i Provincial (Carrer de Villarroel 170;
Hospital Clínic)
Hospital Dos de Maig (Carrer del Dos de Maig 301;
Sant Pau-Dos de Maig)
Some 24-hour pharmacies:
Farmàcia Castells Soler (Passeig de Gràcia 90;
Farmàcia Clapés (La Rambla 98;
Farmàcia Torres ( ; Carrer d'Aribau 62;
FGC Provença)
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