Travel Reference
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Boat Tours
For a trip around the harbour, board one of the Golondrina ( 93 442 31 06; ; Moll de les Drassanes; adult/child €14.50/5.25; Mar-Nov; Drassanes)
excursion boats from Moll de les Drassanes in front of Mirador de Colom. The one-hour
round trip takes you to Port Olímpic, the Fòrum and back again.
Aboard a large sailing catamaran, Orsom ( Click here ) makes the 90-minute journey
past the Port Olímpic, the beaches and out to the Fòrum and back. There are three depar-
tures per day (four on weekends in July and August), and the last is a jazz cruise, sched-
uled around sunset.
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