Travel Reference
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Don't Miss
Casa Batlló
One of the strangest residential buildings in Europe, this is Gaudí at his hallucinogenic
best. The facade, sprinkled with bits of blue, mauve and green tiles and studded with
wave-shaped window frames and balconies, rises to an uneven blue-tiled roof with a
solitary tower.
Locals know Casa Batlló variously as the casa dels ossos (house of bones) or casa
del drac (house of the dragon). It's easy enough to see why. The balconies look like the
bony jaws of some strange beast and the roof represents Sant Jordi (St George) and the
dragon. Even the roof was built to represent the shape of an animal's back, with shiny
scales - the 'spine' changes colour as you walk around. Before going inside, take a
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