Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Don't Miss
Museu d'Història de Barcelona
One of Barcelona's most fascinating museums takes you back through the centuries to
the very foundations of Roman Barcino. You'll stroll amid extensive ruins of the town
that flourished here following its founding by Emperor Augustus around 10 BC.
Equally impressive is the setting inside the former Palau Reial Major (Grand Royal
Palace) on Plaça del Rei (King's Sq, the former palace's courtyard), among the key
locations of medieval princely power in Barcelona.
Below ground is a remarkable walk through about 4 sq km of excavated Roman and
Visigothic Barcelona. After the display on the typical Roman domus (villa), you reach
a public laundry; outside in the street were containers for people to urinate into, as the
urine was used as disinfectant. You pass dyeing shops, a public cold-water bath and
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