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Using the RSA Cipher
We will use cipherRSA to do encryption and decryption. To use it, we will have to provide it with the key
and tell it what mode to use (encryption or decryption), then we will ask it to perform that task on some
data. The cipherRSA method calls in Listing 5-5 will be used for that process.
Listing 5-5. Initialize the Cipher to Do Encryption
cipherRSA.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, extRSAPubKey, random );
byte[] encodedBytes = cipherRSA.doFinal( clearBytes );
The first method called here is used for initializing the Cipher to a specific mode: encrypt or decrypt.
In this case, we have asked it to be ready to encrypt data ( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE ). To decrypt, we would
initialize the Cipher to Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE .
The second method of cipherRSA that we call is doFinal() . This method does the encryption or
decryption that we initialized on the data we provide in the parameter (e.g., encrypt clearBytes ). Note
that the doFinal() method of Cipher takes a byte array as its parameter and returns a byte array. For that
reason, we will be converting Strings and other objects to and from byte arrays as we perform
encryption. Note also that a byte is simply eight bits and a bit is just one memory position being turned
Off or On (value of 0 or 1). A byte array is simply a series of bytes assembled in and handled as a single
list. If some of these concepts are unfamiliar, you can explore computer architecture at .
Notice how we specify ENCRYPT_MODE in the Cipher initialization call in Listing 5-5. This is a member
variable (notice it is not a method call—no parentheses or parameters.) Notice also that it must be static;
we do not refer to a specific instance of Cipher to get ENCRYPT_MODE , but to the static class definition.
Lastly, notice that the member name is in all uppercase. The uppercasing of this member variable and
underscore characters between words indicates, by Java naming conventions , that this is a
constant . In Cipher , it would have been declared like this:
public static final int ENCRYPT_MODE = <some int>;
The modifier final helps identify this member as a constant, but final may not mean what you might
think at first. It does not mean that the value cannot change, but that the address pointed to in memory
cannot be changed to a new address. For primitive and simple types, like the int ENCRYPT_MODE , this
amounts to the same thing. That includes Strings , because they are immutable (refer to Chapter 3).
However, if you had a constant Date member, defined like the following
public static final Date BERLIN_WALL_FELL = new Date( 89, 10, 9 );
you could not prevent someone from coming along later and setting:
BERLIN_WALL_FELL.setYear( 80 );
Even though this Date is declared static final . Wouldn't it be nice to improve history!
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