Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection");
stmt = conn.createStatement();
We use our instance of Connection to create a Statement by calling conn.createStatement() . Note
that these are the standard Java classes used in Java to talk to any vendor's SQL database, including SQL
Server and DB2. Yet, because we requested (or received by default) the OracleDriver to give us the
Connection , we have a Connection that is specific to Oracle database.
Each database vendor must implement these standard interfaces (Connection and Statement) to
enable our Java code to talk with their databases using vendor-specific drivers. The Oracle-specific
drivers and classes are what we get by including ojdbc6.jar in our CLASSPATH . There are several additional
types of Statements and Connections that we will use—the variations being specific to Oracle database.
Once you have your Statement object, you can execute Oracle commands, like the one that we execute in
the example, Listing 4-1 and repeated in the following. When we execute a query by calling
stmt.executeQuery() , we expect to get data back. Data from a query is returned in a ResultSet object ( rs
in our example). By calling the next() method of the ResultSet , we bring the values from the next (first)
row into the ResultSet object so we can request each value (each column in the row specified in the
query) with a “getter” method, like the call to rs.getString() in our example code.
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select sysdate from dual" );
if( ) {
timeString = rs.getString(1);
An interesting thing about the ResultSet “getter” methods is that, for some types that are returned,
a translation can be done automatically. For example, in our code, we are requesting a Date type (value),
because in our query we SELECT ed (asked for) the value of SYSDATE which is the time and date of the
Oracle database. Yet in our call to the ResultSet we asked to getString() , so the ResultSet does a
translation from Date type to String type.
Picture the data being returned in the ResultSet as a spreadsheet with rows of data entries, and for
each row there are multiple columns of associated values. When you call , you are
getting the equivalent of the next row into the current ResultSet values space. Once there, you can get
the value from each column using the column number. In our example, we get the value from the first
column with the statement:
Uniquely, the index for a ResultSet is 1-based; that is, the first column value is at index 1. This is
different from everything else in Java (that I can think of). Java arrays and Collections are typically 0-
based, and the first element is at index 0. Also, character places in a String start with 0.
We will almost always want to see if there is any data being returned in the ResultSet before we try
to use it. For that reason, we put a ResultSet.getString() call in the if condition statement that tests
whether there is a next row. Alternatively, we could just say:;
However, if we did this and there were no “next,” then the ResultSet values space would be null ,
and when we call rs.getString(1) , we'd generate an Exception .
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