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There is one case where I have found the need for a set of try and finally blocks, without a catch block.
If you have written a method and you need to temporarily add debugging to it without over-cluttering your
existing code, you can use a try and finally block pair to your advantage. Look at the following skeleton
of a method named methodName() :
returnType methodName() throws Exception {
try {
while() {
if() {
for() {
catch( Exception x ) {
} finally {
To do temporary spot debugging on this method, we could declare a file output before the try block, then
write debug messages to it throughout the method. For completeness, security and good practice, we
would then flush() the file and close() it in the existing finally block. The only problem with that is
that we have cluttered up our code, and making those changes and then cleaning it up later (removing the
debugging) gives an abundance of opportunity to introduce more errors. In brief, that approach would yield
code that appears more like permanent debugging code, like this:
returnType methodName() throws Exception {
PrintStream debugOut = null;
try {
debugOut = new PrintStream ( new FileOutputStream( “debug.txt” ) );
while() {
debugOut.println( “message 1” );
if() {
for() {
catch( Exception x ) {
} finally {
if( debugOut != null ) {
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