Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Note You must be the equivalent of osadmin , or have been granted proxy through avadmin and listed in
v_application_admins for this application, OJSADMIN , to accomplish this final step.
At this point you can Close the screen and Exit the application, or you can just close the Register
New Application screen and go on to our next step. In either case, when you finally do Exit the
application, be sure to remove the bootstrap password from the code in .
There are several Oracle connections required to accomplish the various tasks of the security
administration interface application. So far, we have only one connection string in the list, so we need to
add the others. Run OJSAdmin and click on the Pick App to Manage button. In the drop-down selection
box, select the OJSAdmin application OJSADMIN/orajavsec.Login$InnerRevLvlClass . You will receive
another prompt for two-factor authentication; however, this is the same application. If it has been less
than 10 minutes since the first two-factor code was sent to you, enter that code; otherwise wait for a new
You will see that the menu items at the bottom of the OJSAdmin menu screen are available. Select the
Update Connection Strings menu item. Enter two additional connection strings as listed in Table 12-2.
Table 12-2. Additional Connection Strings for OJSAdmin
instance user password server port
orcl appusr password localhost 1521
orcl ojsaadm password localhost 1521
After each entry, click the Update Connection String button and assure the connection success
message is displayed. After both entries are made, click on the Save List button to store the complete list
of connection strings in the database. That completes the configuration of the OJSAdmin application, and
all of its features are now ready for use. Exit OJSAdmin in both JVMs, then reenter to reload the connection
Chapter Review
This chapter has perhaps been more fun to write and read because it provides a visual representation of
the concepts we've been studying. The various menus and screens make managing the application
security infrastructure much easier and more approachable. Also, by encoding the rules into a GUI
application, we don't have to remember all the pieces and parts.
In addition to discussing the operation of the functional screens, we discussed GUI development in
general, with specific attention to the single-threaded operation and the use of delayed threads and the
SwingUtilities.invokeLater() method. We also explored modal dialog boxes and making dialogs and
functional screens visible and invisible as required.
To make this security administration interface application work, we added a couple tables, several
packages, a database link, a couple users and roles, and various other Oracle structures. We also added a
couple utility methods to OracleJavaSecure , and modified a couple existing methods. A developer's job
is never done, and those who implement the security infrastructure presented in this topic will find
reasons to modify it and expand it.
When you have finished reading and working your way through this topic, you will want to continue
on to read and work through the Supplemental material included in the source code download. In the
supplement, we address several scenarios that you can use as templates and guides for accomplishing
computer security. These are the scenarios we will cover:
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