Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Scripts Execution and Code Compilation
If you have been running the code in the files in Chapter 12 as we've been discussing it, then you are
mostly through this section. You can skip down to where we discuss editing the Java code. Otherwise,
you need to execute the following scripts (note that there are some dependencies between them):
Execute Chapter12/OrclSecAdm.sql as the secadm user on the orcl instance (your primary database
instance). Change the passwords for both the ojsaadm and avadmin users before executing the script.
Execute Chapter12/OrclSys.sql as SYS on the orcl instance. Change the placeholder OS user ID,
osadmin to your OS user ID or whoever is the primary application security administrator.
Execute Chapter12/OrclHR.sql as the HR schema user on the orcl instance.
Execute Chapter12/OrclAppSec.sql as the appsec user on the orcl instance.
Execute Chapter12/ApverSys.sql as SYS on the apver instance. Change the passwords for both the
ojsaadm and avadmin users before executing the script.
Execute Chapter12/OrclOJSAAdm.sql as the ojsaadm user on the orcl instance. Change the password
for the ojsaadm user on the apver instance, in the database link before executing the script.
From the Chapter12 directory, edit the code as listed here:
At the top of orajavsec/ , edit the values for expectedDomain ,
comDomain , smtpHost and baseURL . Also, insert the correct value for prime (the
encoded connection string for appver user on the apver instance) into place in the
setAppVerConnection() method.
In orajavsec/ , edit the paths to javaw.exe , your classes, and
ojdbc.jar file that are used in the Runtime.exec() command in the
manageAppButton_actionPerformed() method.
In orajavsec/ , edit the password for the avadmin user in the default
constructor. Also, temporarily uncomment the calls to putAppConnString() and
putAppConnections() .
Note Having the avadmin password, and the calls to putAppConString() and putAppConnections() , in is only temporary. After bootstrapping OJSAdmin , discussed shortly, be sure to remove the
password and comment those method calls. Then recompile OJSAdmin .
Execute the following command to compile OJSAdmin and all related classes:
javac orajavsec/
Finally, uncomment the command to CREATE OR REPLACE AND RESOLVE JAVA SOURCE at the top of , and execute that code as a script on both the orcl instance (as appsec or SYS ) and
the apver instance (as SYS ).
Final Updates to OracleJavaSecure
There are several legacy methods that we used differently in earlier chapters: getAppAuthConn() and
three setConnection() methods. Initially we declared these methods to have public visibility, but now
we are using the getAAConnRole() public method to handle those calls. So we will change the access
modifiers for those legacy methods to be private .
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