Database Reference
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GRANT SELECT ON ojsaadm.instance_proxy_users TO ojs_adm_admin;
-- To let appsec read view across database link
GRANT SELECT ON ojsaadm.instance_proxy_users TO appsec;
The third command in Listing 12-29 creates a view that will bring together the results of a select on
sys.proxy_users from both the orcl and apver instances. This view is a UNION of the results of two
queries, one from each instance, and includes a prefix column indicating the instance on which the
proxy was observed. Test the new view by selecting from it—this will also be a test of the grant on apver
for ojsaadm to select from sys.proxy_users . We will grant select on this view to all users who proxy
through ojsaadm and acquire the ojs_adm_admin role.
The last command in Listing 12-29 provides one more avenue of access. You see, sometimes we
need to be able to see all the proxy users on the orcl instance from procedures running on the apver
instance. On apver , the appsec user already has a link to the orcl instance. That link was set up initially
so that application security, appsec user could do two-factor authentication by selecting from
hr.v_emp_mobile_nos on orcl . Here we are extending the functionality of the appsec private database
link from apver to orcl by allowing it to select all the proxy users from our new view. This also saves us
from having to grant SELECT on sys.proxy_users to appsec on the apver instance; she will be selecting
from proxy_users on apver by selecting the view on orcl which selects from proxy_users across a link to
apver . If this sounds circular, that's because it is.
Well, as we have observed, selecting from sys.proxy_users does not meet the goals of our plan to
manage proxy grants. From the Admin Users screen, we want to be able to grant and revoke the privilege
to proxy through application users on both the orcl and apver instances. We also want to do that from a
single Oracle connection, if possible. Is it possible to do this across a database link? It certainly is. In
Listing 12-30 we see the definition of a package for just this purpose, ojsaadm.apver_usr_adm_pkg . We
will create the package in the ojsaadm schema, and the package will have access through the private
database link, apver_link to execute procedures on the apver instance.
Please notice in Listing 12-30 that we are calling the procedures across the link with a
parameterized, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. Our PL/SQL style call is defined in the m_stmt string. For
the variable (e.g., user name) we don't concatenate it with the statement string; rather, we have a
placeholder for it, :1 . We call that statement string from an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command, and pass the
username in to fill the placeholder by specifying USING username . This is another form of parameterized
statement that is also impervious to SQL Injection like stored procedures and prepared statements in
Java, which we discussed in the section called “Avoid SQL Injection” in Chapter 7.
Listing 12-30. Package Definition for Executing Procedures Across a Link
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ojsaadm.apver_usr_adm_pkg IS
PROCEDURE p_create_apver_user ( username VARCHAR2 )
m_stmt VARCHAR2(100);
m_stmt := 'BEGIN sys.usr_role_adm_pkg. p_create_user_once@apver_link ( :1 ); END;';
m_stmt := 'BEGIN sys.usr_role_adm_pkg. p_create_user_many@apver_link ( :1 ); END;';
END p_create_apver_user;
PROCEDURE p_drop_apver_user ( username VARCHAR2 )
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