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WHERE employee_id = m_employee_id;
m_err_no := SQLCODE;
m_err_txt := SQLERRM;
appsec.app_sec_pkg.p_log_error( m_err_no, m_err_txt,
'HR p_update_emp_mobile_nos' );
END p_update_emp_mobile_nos;
END hr_pub_pkg;
GRANT EXECUTE ON hr.hr_pub_pkg TO hrview_role;
The process of selecting data from the new hr_pub_pkg.p_select_emp_mobile_nos_by_id procedure
is very similar to the procedure we reviewed earlier for selecting data from the v_employees_public view.
However, in the case of the data from v_emp_mobile_nos , there is no sensitive data, so none of the
columns is returned in encrypted form. This procedure also gets called from the delayed Thread run()
method of the existingEmpComboBox_actionPerformed() method of AddUser . That call is shown in Listing
12-22. The only unique thing here is that we disable the osUserIDTextField when we populate it from
this query. We do that because we do not allow the user ID to change once set for an employee.
Disabling this field allows the value to be presented, albeit in grayed-out form, but doesn't allow the data
value to be edited. If this query does not find values in v_emp_mobile_nos for the employee ID, then we
enable the osUserIDTextField .
Listing 12-22. Abbreviated run() Method when Selecting Existing Employee, Part 2
// Select from mobile_nos where emp id
stmt = (OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall(
"CALL hr.hr_pub_pkg.p_select_emp_mobile_nos_by_id (?,?,?,?)");
stmt.setInt(1, employeeID);
if ( {
// Will not let you change a user ID for an employee
osUserIDTextField.setEnabled(false) ;
} else {
osUserIDTextField.setEnabled(true) ;
These two Oracle stored procedures (shown in Listings 12-20 and 12-22) represent dynamic queries
where the query includes the requirement that employee_id = user_selected_employee_id . Dynamic
queries like this are susceptible to SQL injection, unless they are encapsulated in Oracle stored
procedures like these. This is a design for security concern that should be considered in every security
code review.
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