Database Reference
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This pulls the settings from the init.ora , PFILE file in the default location,
%ORACLE_HOME%\DATABASE\INITAPVER.ORA and places them in a server-formatted (not hand-
editable) file that corresponds to this database instance, SPFILEAPVER.ORA in the same directory. The
main benefit of having our parameter settings in the server parameter file is that they can be
dynamically modified by database commands, and the effects occur (often) both in the SPFILE and in
the running Oracle instance. Because the SPFILE is modified by those commands, they are retained
across Oracle instance restarts and server reboots.
Restart the database to use the new parameter settings. Notice that you don't have to specify the
init.ora file. This time when we call STARTUP , we will use our newly created server parameter file (SPFILE)
and will mount the database files:
SPOOL apver2.log;
Note These spool log files will be created in the current directory of your command prompt.
Increase the Quantity of Processes
You may recall seeing in the init.ora file a standard setting of 150 processes. That sets a limit on
concurrent Oracle connections. We would like to handle a large number of concurrent connections to
do application verification. Imagine everyone getting to work on Monday morning and logging into one
or more of our secure Oracle applications. We could easily exceed 150 concurrent connections.
Also recall that we configured a special profile for the Application Verification, appver user,
appver_prof . For that profile, we set the SESSIONS_PER_USER to be unlimited. However, we made note
that the actual limit was controlled by the number of processes. Let's bump up the number of processes.
First connect as SYS , and enter the new SYS password that we just set. You can connect using the
TNSlistener service through the first syntax shown in the following, or connect directly to the database
as in the second syntax, as long as your ORACLE_SID environment variable is set to apver . In either case,
you might want to start the listener service from the Windows Computer Management application.
We will increase the number of processes for this special-purpose instance, apver to a quantity of
500. Issue the command to set the number of process to 500.
COMMENT='Allow more concurrent Application Verification sessions.'
We give the scope of the change to be SPFILE , which means that we only change the stored
parameter. This is a specific case where we can issue an ALTER SYSTEM database command to modify the
SPFILE settings, but we cannot immediately update this parameter (the number of processes) in the
running database instance. To realize the increased number of processes, we need to shut down and
restart the Oracle database instance.
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