Database Reference
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mkstore -wrl C:\Users\FredF\fredf -viewEntry
mkstore -wrl C:\Users\FredF\fredf -viewEntry
mkstore -wrl C:\Users\FredF\fredf -viewEntry
Notice that we give the name of the first credential as orcl_appver - that stands for the appver user
on the orcl Oracle database instance. We need to make some additions to the sqlnet.ora and
tnsnames.ora files that configure the TNSNames (transparent network substrate) search for database
instances. TNS is to SQLnet (Oracle's database network communication protocol) as domain name
services (DNS) is to TCP/IP. TNS allows us to have multiple names (aliases) for a single Oracle database
instance and to write our applications with references to aliases that can at various times point at
different Oracle instances. This flexibility is a primary reason for naming services; the other primary
reason is to do remote lookup (not storing all names and addresses locally) and its corollary reason:
centralized management of name/address associations. Of course we need to use LDAP or something
similar for our TNSNames service to achieve that second goal.
There are many features of the TNSNames service that we are not covering in this topic. Please refer
to the Oracle Database Net Services Reference book for more information.
The sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files exist or need to be created in a specific directory of the client.
Both of them are in a directory like %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin , depending on your installation.
Add the line in Listing 11-10 to your sqlnet.ora file. For a basic client wallet installation, you only need to
specify the WALLET_OVERRIDE directive. You could also specify the WALLET_LOCATION directive, but it would
most likely be unused. I have found that the format for the WALLET_LOCATION directive is a bit sensitive;
while (for specific Oracle client versions) drive letters are allowed, quotation marks and a trailing “\”
character are not. Also note that wallets created by the Oracle 11g client cannot be used with Oracle 10g
clients, but 10g wallets can be used in 11g clients.
Listing 11-10. Addition to Client sqlnet.ora File for Wallet
Caution Placing the WALLET_OVERRIDE directive in a server sqlnet.ora file (e.g.,
%ORACLE_HOME%\NETWORK\ADMIN\sqlnet.ora ) can keep the Oracle database from responding to client
connections. My suggestion, if you are testing the client wallet on the same computer as the Oracle database, is
that you start the database without WALLET_OVERRIDE in the sqlnet.ora file, and then add that directive temporarily
when testing the client wallet.
Add the lines in Listing 11-11 to your client tnsnames.ora file. The first section is a standard
TNSNames entry for an Oracle instance. For each password we enter in the wallet, we will need an
additional entry in tnsnames.ora . If you have made entries in tnsnames.ora before, but never used the
wallet, this may seem a bit strange to you. But consider that you are giving the password for a specific
user for each credential in the wallet, so you are coordinating that password with an entry in
tnsnames.ora . For example, orcl_appver is an entry in tnsnames.ora that is specifically for use by the
appver user.
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