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will also capitalize on the fact that our integer divided by itself is 1 and subtracted from itself is 0. Once
we get the bytes of the original connection string, we can reuse that original connection string as our
return string. Several places in OJSCode we get a byte array from a String by calling the String.getBytes()
method. Let's rewrite that as a method called traverse() to replace String.getBytes() . We will allow
traverse() to take a null and to get the bytes of location string in that case. Further, we will create an
additional member in OracleJavaSecure , named lower case l (ell) that we will set equal to location , and
we will point at that instead. Now our code looks like Listing 11-6.
Listing 11-6. Obfuscated Logic, Step 2
static String encode( String encodeThis ) {
byte[] eTBytes = traverse ( encodeThis );
byte[] xBytes = traverse() ;
encodeThis = "";
String oneByte = "*";
int twoI = Integer.parseInt(
String.valueOf( Integer.toHexString(
(int)(oneByte.charAt(twoI - twoI))).charAt(twoI - twoI)));
GT: do {
oneByte = Integer.toHexString(
(int)eTBytes[encodeThis.length()/twoI] ^
(int)xBytes[( encodeThis.length()/twoI ) %
xBytes.length] );
if( oneByte.length() == ( twoI/twoI ) )
encodeThis += "0";
encodeThis += oneByte;
if( ( ( encodeThis.length()/twoI ) % eTBytes.length )
== ( twoI - twoI ) )
System.arraycopy ( xBytes, twoI - twoI,
eTBytes, twoI * 0, twoI );
break GT;
} while( true );
return decodeThis;
static byte[] traverse ( String encodeThis ) {
int twoI = 0;
if( encodeThis == null )
encodeThis = OracleJavaSecure.l ;
byte[] eTBytes = new byte[encodeThis.length()];
do eTBytes[twoI] = (byte)(encodeThis.charAt(twoI++));
while( twoI < eTBytes.length );
return eTBytes;
We have also added some misdirection. Now, in the final if statement of our do while loop, before
we break to the GT label, we do an arraycopy() . We copy the first two bytes from our “other” byte array to
the beginning of our connection string bytes. This is essentially meaningless, because we are through
dealing with those arrays; however the tactic of misdirecting is often used in obfuscating code.
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