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Get a List of Application Connection Strings: The Server Side
Here we are at that foreboding Oracle stored procedure with a dozen IN and OUT parameters,
p_get_app_conns . But that is not what is notable about this procedure. Rather, the internal workings are
what we need to give attention to. However, even those are familiar.
If we pass SSO, then we deal with two-factor authentication. If the user did not submit a two-factor
code, we call the f_send_2_factor function, passing our validated user name and the application_id in
order to create, distribute and cache (store in a table) a two-factor code for this user in this application.
However, if the user did submit a two-factor authentication code, then we call the
f_is_cur_cached_cd function, passing the validated user, the application_id and the two-factor code. If
the two-factor code equals the one cached for this user and this application, then we proceed to set
return values for the secret password key, and we call f_get_crypt_conns to return the encrypted list of
connection strings.
We will add p_get_app_conns to the appsec_public_pkg package since it gets called by any user using
our proxy connection. The core code from this procedure is displayed in Listing 10-46.
Listing 10-46. Get List of Connection Strings to Return from Oracle, p_get_app_conns
return_user := f_is_sso ( m_app_user );
IF( return_user IS NOT NULL )
IF( m_two_factor_cd IS NULL )
m_err_txt := appsec_only_pkg. f_send_2_factor ( return_user, m_application_id );
ELSIF( appsec_only_pkg. f_is_cur_cached_cd ( return_user, m_application_id,
m_two_factor_cd ) = 'Y' )
secret_pass_salt :=
app_sec_pkg.f_get_crypt_secret_salt( ext_modulus, ext_exponent );
secret_pass_count :=
app_sec_pkg.f_get_crypt_secret_count( ext_modulus, ext_exponent );
secret_pass :=
app_sec_pkg.f_get_crypt_secret_pass( ext_modulus, ext_exponent );
secret_pass_algorithm :=
app_sec_pkg.f_get_crypt_secret_algorithm(ext_modulus, ext_exponent);
m_crypt_connections := appsec_only_pkg.f_get_crypt_conns( m_class_instance ) ;
-- Wrong two-factor code entered
app_sec_pkg.p_log_error( 0, 'Success getting App Conns, ' || return_user );
app_sec_pkg.p_log_error( 0, 'Problem getting App Conns , ' || return_user );
There are a couple ways for this process to exit with a failure. If the user's connection/session fails to
pass our SSO requirements, then we log the error “Problem getting App Conns” and return without
sending a two-factor code. Something is seriously wrong with that user, and we don't want to deal with
him at all. If however the user is good (passes SSO) but he submits a bad or old two-factor code, then we
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