Database Reference
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cipherDES.doFinal (
(cryptConnsHash.get( key )).getBytes()
That syntax for storing our decrypted connection keys looks a bit complex, but we are simply
putting a new entry in the clearConnsHash using the key we got in this pass through the for each loop and
a new String . The new String is derived from the bytes we got back from decrypting the value associated
with this same key in the former cryptConnsHash .
Store the connsHash for this Application
We will use a now-familiar process to get a byte array from the clearConnsHash HashMap . This is shown in
Listing 10-34.
Listing 10-34. Get Byte Array of List of Connection Strings
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oout = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );
oout.writeObject( clearConnsHash ) ;
byte[] connsHashBytes = baos.toByteArray() ;
The final step in setDecryptConns() is to store the new connsHash in the v_app_conn_registry view.
We do that by passing the byte arrays for our application ID class and the clearConnsHash to the
p_set_class_conns procedure in Listing 10-35. This is another of our procedures that handles the
connsHash as a BLOB . In Oracle Database 11g, we are able to get and set BLOBs from Java using the
Statement.getBytes() and .setBytes() methods.
Listing 10-35. Store List of Connection Strings in Oracle
// NOTE: handling BLOBs with getBytes and setBytes is new to Oracle Database 11g
stmt = ( OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall(
"CALL appsec.appsec_only_pkg.p_set_class_conns(?,?,?,?)" );
stmt.setString( 1, className );
stmt.setString( 2, classVersion );
stmt. setBytes( 3, appClassBytes ) ;
stmt. setBytes( 4, connsHashBytes ) ;
Oracle Procedure to Set Values in the Application Registry
The p_set_class_conns procedure has three sections. This is shown in Listing 10-36. The first gets a
count of records that already exist with the specific class name and version number. If there are 0, we
will insert a new record in the second section; and if 1, we will update the existing record in the third. In
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