Database Reference
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Rewrite and Refactor Method to Distribute Two-Factor Code
We are going to make one more pass at the distribute2Factor() method. We need to incorporate the
application_id in several places. While we are here, we are also going to refactor the code with a bit
more security and organization.
If you look back at this method in the last chapter, you will see that we have two dynamic queries:
one query we build to get data from the HR.emp_mobile_nos table and others, and another query we build
to update the v_two_fact_cd_cache view. For security, we prefer parameterized procedures and
functions to dynamic queries. This method and these dynamic queries run in the Oracle database and
are unlikely to be susceptible to SQL injection, but we should consider the possibility. What would it take
to do SQL injection in those queries?
The first query takes two parameters. It takes the oraFmtSt string for formatting dates, which is
defined locally—that is tamper-proof. It also takes the osUser name, which is passed from
f_send_two_factor , which is in turn passed from our secure application role procedure and is derived
from our SSO process. I can surmise that, in order to accomplish SQL injection in that dynamic query,
the user would have to have an extremely bizarre user name in the operating system—not likely.
The second query (update or insert) takes the two-factor code that we generated locally (tamper-
proof), the IP Address which is sensed by Oracle database (only suspect in our wildest dreams), and the
employee ID, which we got from our HR tables and must meet rigid type constraints, NUMBER(6) . Once
again, this is not a likely candidate for SQL injection.
Our impetus for moving these queries out of our Java code and into stored procedures, then, is not
justified as a counter to SQL injection. We will do it in any case, because having the database logic in a
stored procedure makes our Java code less dependent on the data organization and more tolerant of
database changes. If the DBAs or our application security manager requires that data tables be changed
or moved, our procedure can be modified to accommodate the changes without requiring a change to
the Java code. We would prefer that database changes only affect native database structures, not Java.
Procedure to get Employee Addresses for Two-Factor Code
We build a procedure to get the pager, phone, and other numbers that we will use to distribute our two-
factor authentication code. At the same time, with a single query, we can get the employee e-mail
address and the IP address of the session. We will also get the cached two-factor authentication code for
this user on this application, and the timestamp of the cache. Getting all these data elements at once,
based on the user ID and the application ID provides sufficient data for all our two-factor code
distribution tests and delivery.
Take a look at the list of parameters in Listing 10-8. You'll see that they are mostly OUT parameters—
we are returning a lot of data. We only pass three parameters to this procedure: the user ID, the date
format string we discussed in the last chapter, and the application ID that we introduced in this chapter.
We will place p_get_emp_2fact_nos in the appsec_only_pkg package.
Listing 10-8. Procedure to Get Addresses for Two-Factor Code Distribution
PROCEDURE p_get_emp_2fact_nos(
os_user hr.v_emp_mobile_nos.user_id%TYPE,
fmt_string VARCHAR2,
m_employee_id OUT hr.v_emp_mobile_nos.employee_id%TYPE,
m_com_pager_no OUT hr.v_emp_mobile_nos.com_pager_no%TYPE,
m_sms_phone_no OUT hr.v_emp_mobile_nos.sms_phone_no%TYPE,
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