Database Reference
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We have already configured the Network ACL for appsec to be able to open port 25 on your SMTP
mail host, but for each session we also need to tell the UTL_MAIL package to use that server as our SMTP
host. As appsec , we add a property to our Oracle session that the UTL_MAIL package will read:
Then we send an e-mail message. The arguments we provide are our e-mail address, address of the
recipient, title of the message, and text of the message.
CALL UTL_MAIL.SEND( ' ', ' ', '', '',
'Response','2FactorCode' );
Getting Oracle Database to Browse Web Pages
Besides sending two-factor authentication pass codes by e-mail/SMS to cell phones (and possibly e-mail
accounts), we are going to send the pass codes to pagers. At our company, we send text messages to
corporate pagers from a web page interface. This may or may not be the approach you will need to take
to distribute two-factor authentication pass codes to pagers; however, it is relevant to any message
distribution, because e-mail and web services are the primary modes of text messaging distribution from
a user application.
Delegating Java Policy to Security Administrator
We already saw how we can add an ACL to allow a user to open a port. Now, in order to open a port as a
Java stored procedure, we will need to grant Java security permissions. We are, in effect, allowing Java to
perform an activity that is normally denied by the Oracle JVM security sandbox.
First, we will have SYS or a DBA delegate the policy permission to manage specific Java sandbox
privileges to our security administrator, the secadm user. As SYS , do this with the code in Listing 9-3.
Listing 9-3. Grant Policy for Security Administrator to Grant Socket Permissions
The DBMS_JAVA.GRANT_POLICY_PERMISSION command specifies secadm_role as the recipient of the
permission. SYS is the schema in which the grant is effective. The kind of permission being granted is a
SocketPermission . And secadm_role can thereby manage any socket ( * ).
Assure that the Java policy permission has been granted with the following command. The policies
are granted to a grantee number, GRANTEE# . We look up the name of that user in the USER$ table where
user number, USER# matches the grantee number.
SELECT u.user#,,, p.type_name, p.action
FROM sys.user$ u,$policy$ p
AND p.grantee# = u.user#;
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