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PL/SQL block. This doesn't get saved to a named stored procedure but gets executed once to accomplish
our plan.
Note We use LAST_NUMBER from the user_sequences view instead of the current value, CURRVAL of the
sequence. We do this because we may not have a CURRVAL in this session. CURRVAL only exists after we have
executed NEXTVAL on the sequence in this session. Then we can get the current value of the sequence.
See Listing 7-17. We have a NUMBER , offset into which we select the value (300 - LAST_NUMBER ) from
our sequence. If our LAST_NUMBER is currently 207 for example, the value of offset will be 300 - 207 or 93.
We concatenate a command string, alter_command to ALTER the sequence to set the INCREMENT BY value to
that offset . We pass that ALTER command to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE . Then the next time we call
EMPLOYEES_SEQ.NEXTVAL , we will get the value of 207 + 93 = 300. To finish this plan, we set the INCREMENT
BY value for the sequence back to 1.
Execute all of the commands in Listing 7-17 at this time . You will create our test user as employee_id
= 300. Feel free to insert your own personal data in the INSERT command at the end.
Listing 7-17. Anonymous PL/SQL Block to Reset Sequence
offset NUMBER;
alter_command VARCHAR2(100);
new_last_number NUMBER;
SELECT (300 - last_number) INTO offset FROM user_sequences
WHERE sequence_name='EMPLOYEES_SEQ';
alter_command := ' ALTER SEQUENCE employees_seq INCREMENT BY ' ||
TO_CHAR(offset) || ' MINVALUE 0';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alter_command;
SELECT employees_seq.NEXTVAL INTO new_last_number FROM DUAL;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( new_last_number );
SELECT last_number FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name='EMPLOYEES_SEQ';
INSERT INTO employees
(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, hire_date,
job_id, salary, commission_pct, manager_id, department_id)
( employees_seq.NEXTVAL , 'David', 'Coffin', 'DAVID.COFFIN',
'800.555.1212', SYSDATE, 'SA_REP', 5000, 0.20, 147, 80);
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