Database Reference
In-Depth Information
manager_id = m_manager_id
-- Job History Constraint -- , department_id = m_department_id
WHERE employee_id = m_employee_id;
m_err_no := SQLCODE;
m_err_txt := SQLERRM;
appsec.app_sec_pkg.p_log_error( m_err_no, m_err_txt,
'HR p_update_employees_sensitive' );
END p_update_employees_sensitive;
END hr_sec_pkg;
Procedure Variables and Data Decryption
We cannot modify the IN parameters like we did with OUT parameters in previous example procedures,
but we want to capture the output of our decryption, so we establish a couple procedure variables:
v_salary and v_commission_pct . We also define a numeric procedure variable named test_emp_ct :
test_emp_ct NUMBER(6);
v_salary VARCHAR2(15); -- Plenty of space, eventually a NUMBER
v_commission_pct VARCHAR2(15);
Our procedure body, under the BEGIN header, includes two calls to the f_get_decrypt_data Oracle
function which will return a VARCHAR2 data type representing the SALARY and the COMMISSION_PCT . Note
again that use of this procedure assumes that you have already done key exchange:
m_err_no := 0;
v_salary := appsec.app_sec_pkg. f_get_decrypt_data ( crypt_salary );
v_commission_pct :=
appsec.app_sec_pkg. f_get_decrypt_data ( crypt_commission_pct );
Inserting or Updating
I have found that a multifunction procedure is often the best choice for managing data inserts and
updates. At most, we grant SELECT privilege to a view of the data and EXECUTE privilege to the
management procedure. We regularly pass a transaction code (usually A, U, or D) that indicates whether
we are going to be inserting (adding), updating, or deleting a record. For a simple, bi-functional
procedure (insert or update), we do not need a transaction code, but can examine the data and 1) update
an existing record or 2) insert a new record if no existing record matches the key columns.
In our management procedure body, we will populate test_emp_ct by using SELECT INTO syntax with
a count of the number of employees whose EMPLOYEE_ID matches the m_employee_id that is being passed
in for update. There should never be more than one, so we expect a value of 0 or 1 from the count.
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO test_emp_ct FROM employees WHERE
employee_id = m_employee_id;
We then test to see if test_emp_ct is 0 - if so, we do an INSERT ; if not, an UPDATE :
IF test_emp_ct = 0
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