Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Scroll down to the class body and set the password in the connection string. Also correct any of the
other addresses and names for your connection string.
private static String appsecConnString =
"jdbc:oracle:thin:AppSec/ password @localhost:1521:Orcl";
Also set the testingOnServer boolean to true :
private static boolean testingOnServer = true ;
Save the file.
You may have already executed the app_sec_pkg package specification and body on Oracle, from
earlier in this chapter. If you haven't done so, do that now. This will create the Oracle structures we need
to do secret password encryption.
Consider the Server Portion of the main() Method
This time when we run through the main() method of OracleJavaSecure , we will pass the
testingOnServer test, so we will execute the remainder of main() , as shown in Listing 6-20. We declare a
couple member variables to hold the error number and error message coming back from Oracle, errNo
and errMsg .
Because we are running from the client (not on Oracle database), we need to load the Oracle-
specific driver (assuming we might not be using JDK 1.6 or later). And we will set up the Oracle
connection for use: note that we will be connecting as appsec user.
We will be using an Oracle-specific OracleCallableStatement , which allows us to retrieve OUT
parameters back from Oracle, and to transfer Oracle-specific data types.
Listing 6-20. Code for Client/Server Testing, from main()
if( testingOnServer ) {
int errNo ;
String errMsg ;
// Since not on the Server, must load Oracle-specific Driver
Class.forName( "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" );
// This will set the static member "conn" to a new Connection
conn = DriverManager. getConnection ( appsecConnString );
OracleCallableStatement stmt;
Getting the DES Secret Password from Oracle
Our first procedure call, in Listing 6-21, is to p_get_shared_passphrase . This will simply test the exchange
of RSA and DES keys between our client and Oracle. We hand the procedure our RSA public key modulus
and exponent, and in return get the DES secret password key artifacts, encrypted by the Oracle database
using the public key. Notice that we register the OUT parameters and either set or setNull all our
Listing 6-21. Get Shared Passphrase, from main()
stmt = ( OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall(
"CALL app_sec_pkg. p_get_shared_passphrase (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" );
stmt. registerOutParameter ( 3, OracleTypes.RAW );
stmt.registerOutParameter( 4, OracleTypes.RAW );
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