Biology Reference
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established meaning of benefit sharing: those who contribute to scientific advance-
ment are owed benefits in return.
Chapter 9 looks at the broader picture of injustice between developed and
developing countries, focusing on the human right to the enjoyment of the highest
attainable standard of physical and mental health. 3 The chapter introduces a
reform plan (the proposed Health Impact Fund) to modernize and humanize the
international intellectual property rights system, which, in its current form, is a
significant obstruction to realizing the human right to health.
We hope that this topic, and our conclusions as summarized in the inal chapter,
will serve as a helpful resource for policymakers, civil society and academics as
we move forward to secure justice for all providers of biological resources.
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level. Brussels: European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,
Directorate A—Framework Programme & Interinstitutional relations. Unit A.1—
External & Internal communication.
Egziabher TBG (1994) The Convention on Biological Diversity, intellectual property rights and
the interests of the South. In: Shiva V (ed) Biodiversity conservation: Whose resources?
Whose knowledge? Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, New Delhi, pp
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Kew (n.d.) Introducing the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens.
Nijar GS (1996) In defence of local community knowledge and biodiversity: A conceptual frame-
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Schroeder D (2007) Benefit sharing: High time for a definition. J Med Ethics 33(4):205-209
Schroeder D, Pisupati B (2010) Ethics, justice and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
United Nations Environment Programme
3 This latest term for the human right to health evolved from earlier formulations (WMA n.d.).
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