Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
training to improve the proiciency skills of analysts. In some labs, they cross-train analysts to gain experi-
ence in various tests such as purity, germination, tetrazolium, moisture content, etc.
nature of the Laboratory
The nature of the laboratory must also be considered. Operational procedures may vary greatly between
oficial state or university seed laboratories (e.g., Oregon and North Dakota), state crop improvement asso-
ciation laboratories (e.g., Michigan and Indiana), certiication laboratories, commercial laboratories, or
specialty laboratories. The administrative body of each laboratory may differ and each may have differing
objectives and must be managed differently in order to best achieve their primary objectives. Some oficial
laboratories will be primarily concerned with a regulatory program designed to protect the consumer. Such
laboratories may not be as concerned about sample backlog. Others may have a larger service role in
addition to their regulatory function and must be concerned about sample backlog and turn-around time in
providing timely quality information for labeling purposes. Commercial laboratories working for one seed
company to provide labeling information and to monitor seed quality may operate much differently than
one that serves many customers to provide labeling information.
Figure 12.1. Oregon State University Seed Laboratory follows the administrative body of Oregon State
University (land-grant university), but is supported by fees generated by samples tested. Various laboratory
systems are present in the United States and around the world (diagram courtesy of Oregon State University
Seed Laboratory).
Method of financial Support
While some of the state and federal oficial laboratories are supported by tax funding, others are supported
only by fees generated by samples tested. This may inluence the price of testing at each lab. The presence
of different labs within the same geographical area can cause competition, which can also inluence testing
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