Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Modern seed marketing systems and evaluation of seed quality have become more complex. Seed
buyers are usually assured through consumer protection laws and government regulations that they are get-
ting the variety and the quality indicated on the label. Seed testing provides results that are of fundamental
importance to enable producers to label seed quality information for the marketplace.
Service to the Seed Industry
As much as 80 percent of all seed samples tested in North America probably comes from commercial seed
companies or professional independent seed producers. Seed testing provides quality information necessary
for labeling seed to be sold. It also provides several other very important functions. For growers producing
seed under contract with a seed company, it tells if the seed meets or can be upgraded to meet quality stan-
dards required under contractual agreements. For independent seed producers, it provides quality informa-
tion needed for attracting potential seed buyers, no matter whether the seed is to be wholesaled or retailed
directly to their farmer customers.
Seed testing results also provide other valuable quality information for both the commercial seed
dealer and private seed producer. Results can be used to help determine seeding rates, time of planting, time
of harvest, conditioning eficiency, blending operations, and seed storage programs. Quality checks (mill
checks) during conditioning can indicate cleaning progress and show how further contamination or quality
problems can be solved. Routine quality checks of seed in storage can reveal potential quality loss during
storage. Such information is extremely important, especially to larger seed companies with extensive qual-
ity control programs where decisions regarding which lots to store, which to blend, and which to sell can be
crucial to business success.
Independent seed producers and most seed companies depend on oficial or private seed laboratories
for their service testing. Service testing is an important function of most oficial state seed laboratories, in
addition to their important law enforcement (regulatory) function, and there is usually good communication
between the seed industry and state seed control oficials.
Many private seed laboratories, which also provide valuable service to the seed industry, exist through-
out North America and the world. Some are associated with commercial seed companies which have large
quality control and inventory testing programs. Such laboratories have primary or sole responsibility for
conducting their company's quality control or inventory testing program, while others (especially those
with smaller companies) may accept outside service testing business. Still others are completely indepen-
dent, although they may have working arrangements with seed companies to provide most or all of their
seed testing needs.
Service to farmers and Home owners
A very important function of seed testing laboratories is to provide service to farmers, gardeners, home
owners, the nursery industry, and other users of seed. This service has always been and remains an impor-
tant function of oficial state seed laboratories. In the past, it was not uncommon for some oficial state seed
laboratories to provide free seed testing in order to promote the use of high quality seed.
Service to research and Germplasm Centers
Seed testing contributes to research in the areas of seed biology, physiology, biotechnology, and other
seed-related disciplines. Researchers use seed quality testing in developing new varieties, improving seed
production programs, producing genetically modiied seeds, seed storability reserves, evaluating the effect
of pathogens on seed performance, and many other areas of seed research.
Seed testing also provides invaluable contributions to the preservation of precious genetic resources
which beneit the entire world by ensuring that diverse crop germplasms are available to breeders and
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