Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Public buses (US$1.20, 30 minutes) depart the Banco Nacional in Santa Elena at 6:15am,
7:30am, 9:30am, 1:30pm and 3pm. Buses return from the reserve at 6:40am, 8:30am,
11am, 2pm and 4pm. You can flag down the buses from anywhere on the road between
Santa Elena and the reserve - inquire at your hotel about what time they will pass by. Tax-
is are also available for around US$10.
The 6km walk from Santa Elena is uphill but offers lovely views - look for paths that
run parallel to the road. The bird-watching is magnificent, especially in the last 2km.
Juntas de Abangares
Pop 5300
Las Juntas de Abangares is a small town on the Río Abangares that was the center of the
gold-mining industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today it's a pleasant moun-
tain market town, set in a verdant bowl, blessed with ample sunshine, and peopled with
ranchers and farmers. Most travelers don't hang long, but it's a mildly interesting stop en
route to Monteverde.
The town is centered on the stained-glass Catholic church. The small but bustling down-
town is about 300m north of the church, with a Banco Nacional, several sodas and small
Ecomuseo de las Minas de Abangares MUSEUM
( 2662-0310; adult/child US$4/2; 8am-5pm Tue-Fri)
It's not often that you see the terms 'eco' and 'mining' so close together. Set on 38 hec-
tares, this little museum has exhibits of photographs and models depicting the old mining
practices of the area. There are a picnic area and children's play area on the grounds. A
good system of trails skirts mining artifacts, offering opportunities for birding, with occa-
sional appearances by monkeys.
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