Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Quebrada González Ranger Station HIKING
Three easy to moderate trails fan out from the Quebrada González ranger station between
Guápiles and San José. On the north side of Hwy 32, the mostly flat, gravel-paved 1km
Sendero El Ceibo is the easiest of the three, passing a giant ceibo tree, a scenic overlook
and seven other marked points of interest before looping back to the ranger station. Prox-
imity to the highway creates some distracting traffic noise here. Sendero Botarrama , a
slightly more rugged spur trail (expect mud and exposed roots) branches off Sendero El
Ceibo and continues another 1km to the junction of the crystal-clear Río Hondura with the
Río Sucio (Dirty River), the yellow waters of which carry volcanic minerals. Back on the
south side of Hwy 32, the 1.6km, gravel-paved Sendero Las Palmas is another loop trail
that climbs moderately into dense rainforest that's prime territory for bird-watching.
Keep an eye out for the distinctive Gunnera plants, which quickly colonize newly ex-
posed parts of montane rainforest. The huge leaves can protect a person from a sudden
downpour - hence the plant's nickname, sombrilla de pobre (poor man's umbrella).
Volcán Barva VOLCANO
Climbing Volcán Barva is a strenuous adventure along a remote but reasonably well-main-
tained trail. Because of its relative inaccessibility, there is a good chance you will be alone.
Begin from the western entrance of the park, north of Heredia. From there a 2.5km signed
track climbs to the summit. Trails are often muddy, and you should be prepared for rain
any time of the year.
Near the volcano's summit are two lagoons - Lagos Barva and Copey - the prime des-
tinations on a network of four trails that also leads to waterfalls and other scenic spots
along the way.
Camping is allowed at basic campsites near the ranger station; bring your own drinking
The park's three most accessible hiking trails originate at Quebrada González station (
2206-5500; admission US$8; 8am-4pm) in the park's northeast corner, 21km past the
Zurquí tunnel on the south side of the San José-Guápiles highway. Here, you'll find safe
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