Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Farmers Markets
Farmers markets (simply known as ferias in Costa Rica) take place daily throughout
the country - often several times a week in different neighborhoods, in bigger cities.
Because the law mandates that only locally-grown or -produced fare can be sold at
the feria, you can rest assured that not only are you buying fresh produce or hand-
made goods, but you're also supporting small-scale local farmers and makers.
Ask around locally for dates and times of the farmers markets and shop alongside
area residents while you discover the specialties of your current locale - from sweet
strawberries and soursop to fresh cheese and chorreadas (savory corn pancakes).
What to Eat & Drink
Breakfast for Ticos (Costa Ricans) is usually gallo pinto (literally 'spotted rooster'), a stir-
fry of last night's rice and beans. When combined, the rice gets colored by the beans, and
the mix obtains a speckled appearance. Served with eggs, cheese or natilla (sour cream),
gallo pinto is generally cheap, filling and sometimes downright tasty. If you plan to spend
the whole day surfing or hiking, you'll find that gallo pinto is great energy food. If you
aren't keen on rice and beans, many hotels offer a tropical-style continental breakfast, usu-
ally consisting of toast with butter and jam, accompanied by fresh fruit. American-style
breakfasts are also available in many eateries and are, needless to say, heavy on the fried
foods and fatty meats.
Most restaurants offer a set meal at lunch and dinner called a casado (literally 'married'),
a cheap, well-balanced plate of rice, beans, meat, salad and sometimes plátanos maduros
(fried sweet plantains) or patacones (twice-fried plantains), which taste something like
french fries.
Food is not heavily spiced, unless you're having traditional Caribbean-style cuisine.
Most local restaurants will lay out a bottle of Tabasco-style sauce, homemade salsa and/or
Salsa Lizano , the Tico version of Worcestershire sauce and the 'secret' ingredient of gallo
pinto .
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