Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Canopy Tours
The most vibrant life in the rainforest takes place at canopy level, but with trees extending
30m to 60m in height, the average human has a hard time getting a look at what's going on
up there. You will find canopy tours everywhere in Costa Rica, and many of them will also
have a zip line or two to whiz along for a small additional charge. The most elaborate fa-
cilities also have Superman cables (which allow you to fly like the Man of Steel) and Tarz-
an swings.
Some companies have built elevated walkways through the trees. SkyTrek near Mon-
teverde and Rainmaker near Quepos are two of the most established operations. A some-
what newer but equally popular operation is Actividades Arboreales near Santa MarĂ­a de
You can also take a ski-lift-style ride through the treetops, such as the Rainforest Aerial
Tram near Braulio Carrillo or the smaller Monteverde Cloud Forest Train in Monteverde.
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