Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Bottlenose dolphins
Land Mammals
Sloth Costa Rica is home to the brown-throated three-toed sloth and Hoffman's two-
toed sloth. Both species tend to hang seemingly motionless from branches, their coats
growing moss. Look for them in Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio .
Howler Monkey The loud vocalizations of a male mantled howler monkey can carry
for more than 1km even in dense rainforest, and echoes through many of the nation's
national parks.
White-Faced Capuchin The small and inquisitive white-faced capuchin has a pre-
hensile tail that is typically carried with the tip coiled - one is likely to steal your
lunch near Volcán Arenal or Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio .
Squirrel Monkey The adorable, diminutive squirrel monkey travels in small- to
medium-sized groups during the day, in search of insects and fruit. They live only
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