Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Earthfill with vertical
Zone 1 earthfill, Zones 2A, 2B
Very good to good. Seepage in
Good, provided the filter
Very low to high
and horizontal drain
filter drain
earthfill and cracks is intercepted
drains have sufficient
by the vertical drain, and
capacity to discharge
provided the drains are designed
seepage from through the
as filter and have sufficient
dam and the foundation
discharge capacity
Earth and rockfill,
Zone 1 earthfill, Zones 2A, 2B
Very good. Seepage in earthfill
Very good, provided the
Significant to extreme. Likely
central core
filters, Zones 3A and 3B rockfill
and from cracks is intercepted by
rockfill is free draining
to be too complicated and
the filters and discharged in the
costly for dams less than
about 20 m high
Earth and rockfill,
Zone 1 earthfill, Zones 2A, 2B
Very good. Seepage in earthfill
Very good, provided the
Significant to extremes.
sloping upstream
filters, Zones 3A and 3B
and from cracks is intercepted by
rockfill is free draining
Likely to be too complicated
rockfill. Earthfill quantity
the filters and discharged in the
and costly for dams less than
reduced compared to central
about 20 m high. Suitable for
core earth and rockfill
staged construction
Concrete face rockfill
Zones 3A and 3B rockfill, with
Very good. Provided Zones 2D
Very good, provided the face
Significant to extreme. The
upstream Zones 2D and 2E to
and 2E have particle size
slab Zones 2D and 2E are
cost of plinth and foundation
limit leakage in the event the
distributions to act as filters and
effective, and the rockfill is
preparation makes CFRD
face slab leaks
be internally unstable
free draining
unsuitable for dams less than
about 30 m high. Suited for
staged construction. Usually
not suited for other than rock
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