Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 5.23.
Electric cone penetrometer.
The test is useful to obtain estimates of the relative density (density index), effective
friction angle and deformation modulus (E) of cohesionless soils, and to assess the liq-
uefaction potential of saturated sands and silty sands. The test is widely available but
non-standardised and inherently approximate.
(b) Static cone penetrometer (CPT) and piezocone (CPTU) . Refer to De Beer et al. (1988),
Campanella and Robertson (1988), Jamiolkowski et al. (1988) and Kulhawy and
Mayne (1989) for details. Figure 5.23 shows details of an electric cone penetrometer.
The tests are useful to obtain estimates of the relative density, effective friction angle,
drained Youngs modulus (E) of cohesionless soils, and the undrained shear strength of
soft cohesive soils. There are many methods of interpretation of cone penetrometer
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