Graphics Programs Reference
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Browser's size. Unfortunately, Aperture only lets you drag Browser so that it takes up about 60
percent of the screen. To hide Viewer and make Browser take the entire screen, click the Browser
button in the toolbar indicated in Figure 1.12 (if for some reason the toolbar is hidden, click the
pill-shaped button at the top right to reveal it). To return to the previous view, click the Split View
button in the toolbar. Note that when you're in Browser mode, you can only switch between Grid
and List views, not Filmstrip. If you're comfortable using keyboard shortcuts, press V to cycle
among Viewer and Browser, Viewer only, and Browser only.
1.12 This is what Aperture looks like with Viewer hidden and Browser
maximized, and note the Browser and Split View buttons in the toolbar
that let you toggle layouts.
In Browser, you can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly scroll through your images.
Press L to scroll forward, J to scroll backward, and K to stop scrolling. Press L and J
multiple times to scroll faster in their respective directions. Make sure to click inside
of Browser so that it has focus before using these hotkeys.
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