Graphics Programs Reference
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8.2 The Folder Naming dialog lets you create or modify folder naming presets.
2. Select an existing preset to modify it, or click the Add (+) button to create a new
folder naming preset. Make sure to give your new preset a name.
3. Drag and drop the tokens on the left from the Include area into the Format text
field to create your preset. Table 8.1 describes a select group of tokens that aren't obvi-
ous. If you add a Custom Name token, type a default Custom Name in the appropriate
field. If you add a Counter token, set its starting number and the number of digits to use
(for example, when the counter's value is 5 , one digit displays 5 whereas four digits
would display 0005 ). Note that as you adjust your tokens, the Example field updates to
show you a sample filename.
4. Type any text you want to be part of the preset into the Format text field, such as
your initials.
5. Select a token in the Format text field and press Delete on your keyboard to
remove it.
6. Click OK to finish creating your preset.
If you use a counter, Aperture will continue increasing the counter number for each
export unless you manually reset it by typing a zero into the Increment counter start-
ing at field.
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