Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Select your book's theme from the list on the left. As you click on each theme, a
theme preview appears on the right side of the dialog. If you're creating a Custom book
type, click New Theme to enter your book's page size and margin information.
6. Click Options & Prices to see a list of prices and finishing options for your book.
7. Click Choose Theme to confirm these options, create your book album in the
Library Inspector, and to open the Book Layout Editor.
8. Choose whether you want a Hardcover or Softcover book, if your book type pro-
vides the option, by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the Book Layout
Editor . Because this choice affects page layout, changing it later might adversely affect
your book's pages.
It's possible to add images from multiple projects and albums to the topic by drag-
ging the images onto the topic's icon in the Library Inspector.
Any custom themes you create are saved in /Users/yourUserName/Library/
Application Support/Aperture3/Book Themes. To share your theme with another
person, copy your custom theme from that folder to the same location on the other
person's computer.
Navigating the Book Layout Editor
Whenever you have a book album selected in the Library Inspector, Aperture displays the Book
Layout Editor that you see in Figure 7.15 instead of the standard Viewer. This editor lets you con-
trol the pages in your topic and the layout of those pages including the images, text, and maps
placed on the page. There are two main parts to the Book Layout Editor: the Pages pane and the
Book Editor Viewer.
Pages pane controls. The Pages pane is on the left side of the Book Layout Editor. It lets
you quickly see and navigate between pages in your topic, add and remove pages,
change page templates, and more. At the top of the Pages pane, there are buttons to
switch your topic's theme and to switch cover type (if available).
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