Graphics Programs Reference
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4.24 The Smart Settings HUD.
The Smart Settings HUD works almost exactly the same way as the Filter HUD, where you add rules
and set criteria. The main difference is that it includes a Source row that tells you what scope the
Smart Album's looking at. If you drag your Smart Album into a different scope within the Library
Inspector, such as from the library level into a project and vice versa, the new scope's name
appears in the Smart Settings HUD for that Smart Album. Click the new scope's name to switch the
Smart Album to only look at that scope.
The other difference is that the Smart Settings HUD doesn't have buttons on the bottom to create
a new Smart or normal album because you're already creating a Smart Album when you see it. In
fact, when you click New Smart Album within the Filter HUD, Aperture automatically closes the
Filter HUD and opens the Smart Settings HUD for this new Smart Album with the exact same rules
and criteria you selected in the Filter HUD.
Searching with stacks
Searching for images always gets a little confusing when you work with stacks, and we wanted to
explicitly mention what happens.
By default, Aperture searches each image in the stack for a matching image. If it finds a match, it
only displays the matching images from within a stack. However, it still displays a stack badge
label and dark area around the image, as shown in Figure 4.25, indicating that the image is part of
a stack.
If you open the Filter HUD and select Stack picks only, Aperture will only see if the top image in a
stack matches the criteria. If a three-star image is your stack pick but your stack contains a five-star
image and you tell Browser to only display five-star images, it won't display this stack at all.
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