Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
(PST), it's 7am in Honolulu (HST),10am
in D enver (MST ), 11am in Chicago
(CST), noon in N ew York City (EST ),
5pm in London (GMT ), and 2am the
next day in Sydney.
Daylight saving time is in effect fr om
1am on the second S unday in M arch to
1am on the first S unday in N ovember,
except in Arizona, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin
Islands, and P uerto Rico. Daylight saving
time mo ves the clock 1 hour ahead of
standard time.
TIPPING In hotels, tip bellhops at least
$1 per bag ($2-$3 if you have a lot of lug-
gage) and tip the chamber staff $1 to $2
per day (more if you've left a disaster ar ea
for him or her to clean up). Tip the door-
man or concierge only if he or she has
provided y ou with some specific ser vice
(for example, calling a cab for y ou or
obtaining difficult-to-get theater tickets).
Tip the valet-parking attendant $1 every
time you get your car.
In restaurants, bars, and nightclubs, tip
service staff and bartenders 15% to 20%
of the check, tip checkroom attendants
$1 per garment, and tip
click on “ Visas.” Or go to one of the fol-
lowing websites:
Australian citiz ens can obtain up-to-
date visa information fr om the U.S.
Embassy C anberra, Moonah P lace, Yar-
ralumla, A CT 2600 ( & 02/6214-5600 )
or b y checking the U.S. D iplomatic
Mission's w ebsite at .
British subjects can obtain up-to-date
visa information by calling the U.S. Embassy
Visa Information Line ( & 0891/200-290 )
or by visiting the “ Visas to the U.S.” section
of the American E mbassy London's website
at .
Irish citizens can obtain up-to-date visa
information through the Embassy of the
USA D ublin, 42 E lgin Rd., D ublin 4,
Ireland ( & 353/1-668-8777; or by check-
ing the “ Visas to the U.S. ” section of the
website at .
Citizens of New Z ealand can obtain
up-to-date visa information b y contacting
the U.S. Embassy New Zealand, 29 F it-
zherbert T errace, Thorndon, Wellington
( & 644/472-2068 ), or get the informa-
tion dir ectly fr om the w ebsite at http:// .
Angeles Convention and Visitors Bureau
(or L A INC.; & 800/228-2452 or
213/624-7300; www .discoverlosangeles.
com) is the city's main source for informa-
tion. In addition to maintaining an infor-
mative w ebsite, answ ering telephone
inquiries, and sending free visitors kits, the
bureau provides two walk-in visitor cen-
ters: Downtown at 685 S. F igueroa St. at
West 7th Street (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm), and
in Hollywood at the H ollywood & High-
land Center , 6801 H ollywood B lvd. at
Highland Avenue (daily 10am-11pm).
Many Los Angeles-ar ea communities
also hav e their o wn information centers
and often maintain detailed and color ful
attendants $1 per vehicle.
As for other ser vice personnel, tip cab
drivers 15% of the far e; tip skycaps at
airports at least $1 per bag ($2-$3 if y ou
have a lot of luggage); and tip hairdressers
and barbers 15% to 20%.
TOILETS You won't find public toilets
or “restrooms” on the streets in most U.S.
cities but they can be found in hotel lob-
bies, bars, r estaurants, museums, depar t-
ment stores, railway and bus stations, and
service stations. Large hotels and fast-food
restaurants are often the best bet for clean
facilities. Restaurants and bars in resorts or
heavily visited areas may reserve their rest-
rooms for patrons.
VISAS For information about U.S.
Visas go to and
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