Travel Reference
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baptize a N ative Californian. The most
notable contents of the mission 's museum
are N ative American paintings depicting
the S tations of the C ross, done on sail-
cloth, with colors made fr
om cr ushed
desert flower petals.
NONFICTION In vivid detail, E dward
Jay E pstein's The B ig P icture: The N ew
Logic of M oney and P ower in H ollywood
(Random House, 2005) delv es deep into
the modern moviemaking machine with a
behind-the-scenes glimpse into the “ sex-
opoly”: the six mega-media companies
that control motion picture entertainment
(it's a r eal myth-buster). Love 'em or hate
'em, the saga of the L.A. Lakers makes for
good reading in The Last Season: A Team In
Search of I ts Soul by Lakers coach P hil
Jackson (Penguin Press, 2004). I t's a pr o-
athlete opera of rape charges, spoiled
FICTION Since the topic is almost
always better than the mo vie, try a few of
these no vels that hav e been adapted into
successful films: J ames Ellroy's epic crime
novel L.A. Confidential (Mysterious Press,
1990), Joan Didion's profoundly disturb-
ing Play I t as I t Lays (F arrar, S traus and
Giroux, 1990), J oseph Wambaugh's grip-
ping LAPD chronicles such as The Onion
Field (Dell, 1974), John Gregory Dunne's
cynical and har d-boiled True Confessions
(Bookthrift Co., 1977), Elmore Leonard's
Hollywood-based bestseller Get S horty
(HarperTorch, 2002), and M ichael Tol-
kin's absorbing mystery/thriller The Player
(Grove Press, 1997). And, of course, any-
thing by Raymond Chandler: Farewell My
Lovely, The B ig S leep, The Long G oodbye,
The Lady in the Lake,
superstars, team meltdo wns, and public
feuds. Former Crips gang member Sanyika
Shakur documents his life of violence,
drugs, and redemption growing up in the
streets of S outh Central L.A. in Monster:
Autobiography of an L.A. G ang M ember
(Penguin Books, 1998). L.A. E xposed:
Strange M yths and C urious Legends in the
City of A ngels by Paul Young (St. Martin's
Press, 2002) is a compelling compendium
of dispelled myths, v erified rumors, crime
lore, conspiracy legends, tall tales, blatant
lies, political scandal, and v arious other
fascinating accounts of past and pr esent
Los Angeles. E qually titillating is M att
Maranian and Anthony Lo vett's L.A.
Bizarro: The Insiders Guide to the O bscure,
the Absurd and the P erverse in Los A ngeles
(St. Martin's Griffin, 1997), 192 pages of
murder sites, sex shops, curiosity shops,
dive bars, and v arious other S outhern
California scurrility.
and The P ostman
Always Rings Twice.
The S outhern California lifestyle is so
closely tied to the automobile that it has
given rise to a whole subcultur e of the car .
Since its intr oduction to the infant city it
would gr ow up with, the automobile has
become a pop phenomenon all its o wn,
inextricably intertwined with the personal-
ity of L.A.—and the identities of its r
dents. Although the first “horseless
carriages” emerged fr om the M idwest, it 's
been Hollywood's influence that has defined
the entire nation's passion for the car.
During the early 1920s, movie comedi-
ans Laur el and H ardy and the K eystone
Cops began to blend their brand of physi-
cal humor with the popular Ford Model T.
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